1. analysis of journalism, after publication, to see what worked, what didn't. often involves yelling and name-calling
2. in this specific case, autopsy of the climate change coverage by the 2023 cohort of digital journalism. some yelling and name-calling may occur
The Assignment
You were assigned to work together as an editorial team for this coursework, and publish a single-issue edition on an agreed topic, with multimedia coverage, on The Breaker and associated channels.
Key components required in the edition: text-led features, interview in Q&A format, podcast, shortform video, and content on Instagram channel.
Also expected: AI-assisted 'hybrid' story (eg: backgrounder), drafted in Chat GPT or similar, then fact-checked, edited, and published manually, with suitable credit to AI platform(s); and a newsletter, created on an appropriate platform, to close off the edition.
The topic assigned for this coursework was Climate change in Dorset.
Pegged on the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, your coverage was to be planned as a journalistic response to the climate crisis, in line with SDG 13.
Your task was to explore the impacts of the crisis in the region. In essence, to regionalise the 'story', to inform and engage the public about the challenges and issues of the crisis, and explore solutions and mitigations that could be effected regionally.
In terms of intended audiences, the coverage you produced should seek to serve the psychographics interested in the region.
The Coverage
In all, you published 11,899 words in this edition, across nine text- and visual-led stories (including Notes on climate change, an insightful, multimodal reflection-on-practice feature), besides an 18-minute podcast, six social media stories, and a newsletter. Below, a breakdown of the word count in the 'main' stories.
On the main website and Shorthand channel, you also published a total of 96 visuals, the majority of them original.
The highest number of images was accounted for by the visual story on Highmoor Farm (unsurprisingly). The overall total also included five AI-assisted images, featured in Rising tides: the impact of climate change on low-lying communities.
You interviewed 27 sources in total for your stories. This averages to three sources per story, which is a statistic that could be strengthened in many features (particularly considering that a small number of stories account for a high proportion of the total).
What is notable about your sourcing is the quality of gender representation you have achieved in your interviews. Well done. Inclusivity, in its various forms, including gender-fairness, has been a key point of discussion in your workshops, and I am pleased to note that it has percolated as better representation in your reportage.
A visual indication of this can be seen in the images of (some) of your interviewees displayed on this screen. And see the graph below for a breakdown ofgender in your sources across your stories.
All in all, you represented women well in your sourcing of climate stories, which is commendable and helps to mitigate the journalistic trend of favouring male sources. A few questions to ponder for future:
- Is inclusivity a question of merely achieving 'male-female balance' or good gender representation, whether in your stories or newsrooms, or need it be thought about more expansively?
- To what extent is this coverage representative of the audiences and stakeholders the edition is trying to serve?
- Without compromising the stories (and avoiding mere tokenisms), how can other relevant stakeholders be brought into the coverage meaningfully?
Social stories and newsletter
Off the main site, you published six stories on Instagram, including three shortform videos, two visual features, and an audio story. This is a marked improvement over past newsdays, in both quality and quantity. Well done.
The stories evidence a reasonably good familiarity with the requirements of the platform. You have compiled informative features from your reporting and adapted them well for Insta.
I particularly liked the video story on fossil fuel, which showed creative use of the platform. Similarly, the first slideshow was interesting and visually pleasing. Overall, the productions show competence and good potential.
The newsletter, too, was produced well, particularly considering you had limited time to familiarise yourself with Mailer Lite. You showed good news judgement in how you presented the issue, and in your display of stories on the page.
The Score
You produced focussed coverage that met the assignment requirements well. The edition showcases competent work, punctuated by flashes of excellence. Overall, it evidences good fundamental reporting skills, multimedia production values, and a level of social media competence.
You performed well against this criterion, covering a range of relevant stories in text, audio and video from the region, demonstrating good news sense and boots-on-the-ground reporting skills. There was a notable improvement in the quality of the pitches, and while all stories may not have materialised, it was good to see you attempting different kinds of features (data, personal journalism, etc).
As noted earlier, well done on the gender representation that you achieved in your sourcing. To take your reporting to the next level, work on adding depth to both your research and reporting (see Scrollpoint below for more specifics).
Your score: 17/25
You produced a competent multimedia edition and social media content, demonstrating reasonably good familiarity with relevant platforms and softwares. You made some efficient editorial calls throughout the day to ensure the edition met all deadlines.
The Shorthand outputs showed creativity and storytelling skills, as did your social media stories, and the web desk and multimedia editors pulled together well on the day to work through issues without panic. While there are some rough edges to be smoothened out across board, this was a good team effort overall.
Your score: 17/25
Legal and ethical awareness
You evidenced good awareness of this criterion in your publication, with the editors and the desk doing a competent job of ensuring that outputs were safe for the most part. Images and AI-generated content were credited appropriately (though better alignment with The Breaker style guide would have strengthened the edition).
Consents were documented appropriately. It was good to see that all reporters ensured that a 'first-level' consent was recorded, though this is an area that you must pay more attention to. A significant number of interviewees seemed to be consenting to be recorded; while it may have happened, there was no documentation that the reporter had informed the sources their interviews would be published, or where these might appear. As underlined in the Friday workshops, it is important that reporters make sure that their interviewees are fully informed.
For future reference, please see below a consent that does this job well:
Another example:
Please keep this in mind for all journalism practice assignments from now on. Consent is not merely a box to tick. It is integral part of being a responsible journalist.
PS: There needs to be more care with the risk assessment as well, going forward.
Your score: 16/25
Teamwork and organisation
You excelled here. This was a well-organised newsday, and right from the beginning, you worked as a cohesive group. From what is visible on The Breaker Teams channel, and in the edit meetings, there was good coordination and communication all the way through.
On the day, it was clear that everyone knew their tasks. You were responsive to ideas from your editorial mentors (Jason included, despite his inimitable style!), and it was a pleasure to watch you work together efficiently.
Good leadership shown by the editors, good delegation and coordination. All in all, this is praiseworthy teamwork. Three thoughts that might help in future:
- Set clear deadlines, early. In journalism, where every second counts, precision might provide better results and save time (eg: 10:00 am, Monday, as opposed to Monday morning).
- Follow-ups are necessary. Go beyond mere delegation. Instead, think of engaging with your reporter or editor as you work a story, which will hopefully allow you to provide / take an adequate level of feedback.
- More emphasis and investment into the ideation phase, as discussed. Here's a reminder of how that can be achieved. See slides 19-35 in presentation titled Deep Dive on Brightspace.
Your score: 21/25
Notes for the future
Looking at your (handsome) homepage, some specific pointers to carry forward...
Reconsider image. It works okay at the story level, but there's a text-on-text clash on homepage.
Also, consider if there is a less obvious way of capturing eco-anxiety than with the label 'eco-anxiety'. Note, also, how the excerpt cuts off, which is not a good look for your cover story.
That apart, I understand that this was an 'additional' feature. So well done on taking the initiative and turning this into a publishable piece!
To take it to the next level, work on deepening your research. Reports such as this (and many more) are a couple of clicks away (I note it was made use of in the podcast), and will not only give you substance for your story, but good sources as well. More sources, yes, deeply interviewed, please. For instance, reading Hickman's report before you speak to her will allow you to ask better questions. Ensure your feature offers readers info beyond what's Google-able.
A few other thoughts:
- avoid 'I' and 'we' in a feature like this, and watch your punctuations;
- avoid editorialising (see the last para);
- ensure that images are of better quality and captioned appropriately (for instance, better cropped, without negative space, and captioned as per The Breaker Style Guide);
- and aim for a more creative lead.
It was good to see you offer multiple video stories in this edition. Outputs evidence a growing familiarity with video storytelling and Premiere (suggest you make friends with Rush, too). Below, some magical guidance from Mike, who beams to you all the way from a capacity-building workshop that he's doing in Dar es Salaam.
Here are his thoughts on the shortform video on Highmoor Farm.
And his observations on the social video on the protest:
This headline works on its own, though you might not want two 'eco-anxiety' headlines close together on the homepage. And attention to details: story category should be 'podcast' (not 'national'), headline should be sentence case (not initial caps), and please pay attention to the excerpt! :-)
The podcast was a good team effort and over the news days, you have improved significantly in your journalism, knowledge of what's required of a 'audio feature', and technical abilities. Good to see the range of interviews. It was also smart of you to have Aimee and Yui check out their carbon footprints (though it would have been useful for the audiences to be talked through how to do that).
Some other observations and suggestions, in no particular order:
- Connect the two angles more clearly to the region.
- Consider a more engaging beginning (eg: you could enter the story through an interesting soundbite, like in this podcast from last year; or something more creative).
- Ensure more depth to your interviews, especially encouraging ‘expert’ sources to go beyond basic explanations.
- Good interview with the eco-anxiety sufferer and would have loved to hear more of such voices (tackling the story from this perspective would have produced interesting results, I dare say).
- Ensure the host introduces herself at the beginning
- Record on the same day, same recording environment where possible.
- Tighter editing to keep interviews on point (avoid sacrificing extended stretches to an interviewee unless they are that interesting); and more precise fades.
- Consider underlaying music (subtle usage, though) to punctuate delivery (for instance, this would have helped avoid the awkward jump from carbon footprint to eco-anxiety).
- And rehearse, retake, rehearse, retake, retake, retake with your delivery for a more assured, consistent and natural flow.
Here's a podcast that illustrates how some of the feedback above can be applied. I hope it inspires you as well. Note the 'hook', the presenter's pace and delivery, and how music is used (including to indicate end of a segment).
PS: Good to note that you have now shifted more to a feature-style scripting and delivery from the previous news approaches. Well done!
Rising Tides was a good effort, which presented a detailed backgrounder on the impact of climate change on low-lying areas. Reasonably good familiarity shown with Chat GPT, Dall-e, etc.
One critical revision point for the lead: the connection to Dorset is buried in the 11th para.
Another point, writing is antiseptic, very AI. A human touch from you could have breathed some life into the piece. Consider also bringing in some original reporting to add value to such stories.
PS: Our style is per cent, not %!
First, two nitpicky production issues: single categories (just photo essay), please, as we have discussed; and shouldn't this have an excerpt?
Having got that off my chest, this is a strong visual story, which showcases professional-quality photographs, good interview skills, and some quality storytelling. Good call to tackle this much-written-about story from a visual and peoples perspective. I commend you also for the effort that has gone into this story, not just in the newsgathering, but also the hours of production that it would have required.
A few observations:
- The headline could be reconsidered (doesn't quite match the creativity I see in the rest of the piece).
- Is this the best cover image for a people-centric piece? We get to the people only many scrolls in.
- Revise to energise introductory text on scrollmation screen (screen 2).
- Consider if you have more emotive pics to lead Daniel's section; he looks way too happy.
- The 'quote' ending shows potential, but needs more thought. Also, visually a bit flat perhaps (compared to the richness earlier).
Good job on getting this interview with the councillor. Good headline, nicely produced overall (though intro needs expansion, as this is someone who most people will not know of).
Would like to see less of newsthinking, more of an exploratory approach overall as well. Suggest shifting the focus of the interview from the arrest, to what's happening in the region. Aim for better-researched and open-ended questions to get the subject speaking (some of the Qs are phrased in a manner that will get you a 'soundbite' but not much more; rethink).
Given that this is your sole Q&A, I would have liked to see either (much more) depth in this interview (and a decent photograph of the interview), or, failing that, a Q&A with another candidate. There were other (fairly easy) possibilities, including scholars, who could have been explored for this key feature.
- For instance, this gent, who has researched self-repairing cities (wouldn't it have been interesting to check with him what Bournemouth and Poole can learn from his work around Leeds?) and is currently looking into enhancing urban habitats to reduce carbon footprints (ditto!).
- And please remember that BU does some world-leading research in conservation. Here is a link, and another, and another that would have paid rich dividends.
- For better depth to Q&As, see also this post on Breaker Academy.
Interesting story, nice headline. Well done on finding a regional angle, though that gets a bit lost in the writing up. But all in all, this shows good reporting skills, and potential. Particularly pleased to see the extra effort that has gone into the audio embed (I linked below), which is really interesting!
Essential correction needed is in terms of the narrative. Aim to restructure into a more engaging story, which doesn't rely so heavily on extended quotes.
Quick pointers:
- 'Quote leads' work best with a short and succinct quote.
- Check how you punctuate a quote that spreads across paras (it's not how you've done in the copy -- browse, please find out!).
- Research, add context, to go beyond (and factcheck) what the interviewees tell you.
Good attempt at a news feature, and telling the behind-the-scenes story of how the Portland incinerator proposal was rejected. Pleased to see you seize the opportunity and do some boots-on-the-ground coverage.
A few pointers:
- Headline might need a slight realignment to suit the angle (current one suggests a 'response from the community' piece rather than a behind-the-scene story);
- Aim to provide more of the 'how' it happened than you have in here currently;
- A standfirst would have helped peg the story nicely;
- Consider also moving the nut graf higher (right now buried in para 7, and reader is navigating blind);
- Awkward comma in your lead sentence, which also needs a bit more strength;
- and crop and align photographs so that you avoid negative spaces and make better use of screen space.
PS: Also, note, the best speech tag is 'said' or 'says'. Avoid stated, unless it is a statement. Why? Here's a post to read.
Good potential here, a range of voices, multiple original photographs as well. Once again, well done on seizing the opportunity to cover this story.
To take this to the next level, consider how you can turn this from a 'spot' feature into an issue-based exploration. It would make sense to have a news feature such as this immediately on the day after; but for a 'magazine' approach, you would need to tell the story differently, less focussed on the event, more on what the event represents. For that, you need additional reporting.
Another way of thinking about it: ensure that the story goes beyond quotes — that is, you provide context and analysis to tell the reader what all this means.
PS: Excerpt cuts off!
Nicely done. Empowering story on community groups, well reported and decently narrated. Good to see you attempting a 'staccato' lead. I would have liked to see the 'energy' of a staccato carry through, though — narrative kind of slows down in the following paras, and we get a bit bogged down with context.
An alternative way to approach this story: tell it through character(s). Or: consider spending time with these folks, and writing a 'scene' as they go about their activism.
PS: I won't mention the excerpt getting cut off again. :-)
The group reflection feature, presented in multimedia on Shorthand, provided a good idea of how you approached the topic and situated the edition. This was produced competently, with some strong visuals. Pleased also to see the two videos and the audio. Overall, this production shows marked improvement in terms of your reflection.
I particularly liked this audio insert, where the two reporters acquired some nice depth to their learnings from the exercise. Nicely edited, too. Well done.
A few pointers for future:
- Good to see you use the Breaker logo at the top. You need a white logo with a transparent background in this case, though. Daniela can help, I am sure.
- On Screen 3, the big, bulky Breaker logo kind of knocks the reader out. For productions such as these, walk away from 'Netflix' / broadcast style of branding. Instead, let the story roll. You can brand, very quietly, in one of the corners. The trick is to integrate your multimedia seamlessly. In other words, nothing should stick out or scream for attention. Below, more feedback on the editors' video introducing climate change:
- The reflections presented as text could do with a bit more unpacking. Some interesting beginning there (including Simran's conversations with the cows), but don't stop with just describing what you did. Hope this piece in the Breaker Academy will give you an idea of how to add more depth.
- Really pleased to see you go for a second video, on climate protest. Here're some observations from Mike:
- And hyperlinks. How about hyperlinking, where you mention individual stories (podcast, photo essay, etc) so that the reader is able to click through?
Last Word
That's a lot of feedback, perhaps more than you would want to take on board in one sitting. But I hope this will serve as a point of reference, something that you can come back to, in times of need.
Over the last few weeks, some of you had approached me in person to know how to elevate your journalism (another reason why I tried to offer as much observations as possible). To aid with that, here are three fundamental 'actions' you could take.
One, pay attention to details. Think of attention to details as an extension of accuracy and fairness, on which journalism is grounded. 'Little things' — whether it is in how you caption the image, being mindful the excerpt box has content, the consistency of whether you refer to a source by first name or surname in a story, or the nuance of how you phrase a question so that you get the info you are seeking — are all important. Great journalism is made up of a very many fine, seemingly 'little' details.
Two, work on your news sense further. Think of building on what has been published and adding something 'new' to the journalism out there. A good way to do this — besides familiarising yourself with news values more — is to write a focus statement (or draft a 'nut graf') after your basic research. What's fresh in your take, your angle? What new questions will you ask your sources, or what old questions will you ask in a new way? And, critically, what do you want your story to achieve (to explain, to educate, to move people into action — or merely to inform)?
Three, read, listen to, and watch good journalism. This is critical. There's a lot out there — online, free, for you to devour. I would like to see you do that, a lot more (see the Breaker Academy for additional resources). The more you expose yourself to the 'good stuff', the more 'mental templates' you'll have to model your reportage on — and the easier it will become.
This assignment was marked by Chindu Sreedharan, second-marked by Michael Sunderland. Postmortem, the artefact, was produced by Chindu. Images on the first four screens were created with Dall-e 2. All other images are creditable to The Breaker.